What People are Saying:
"A wonderful read for anyone who has a child, was a child or cares about children. Great for the Jewish parent, great for the Presbyterian parent, the Buddhist, and even the skeptic."
—Dr. Fran Walfish, Child and Family Psychotherapist and author of the Self-Aware Parent
“We all understand that becoming a parent changes our lives in so many ways. In this charming memoir, Rabbi Ilana Grinblat opens our eyes to how it can enrich us spiritually as well—a gift we all need.”
—Rabbi Harold Kushner
“Most of us who have raised children can relate to the fatigue, the constant cleaning, feeding, bathing, and bedtime – and all the toil that is inevitably part of parenting. But it takes a special soul – and a gifted writer – to show us the mysterious and miraculous just behind the mess, the manifold ways in which our children raise us and teach us no less than we raise and teach them. Rabbi Ilana Grinblat is precisely that sort of woman, mother and writer, and through her eyes and this enchanting book, she treats us to a wondrous glimpse of how a truly sensitive soul like hers can learn, grow and deepen from the moments we least expect to be transformative. We emerge from reading Blessings and Baby Steps moved by her insight, and more importantly, hopeful that her sensitivity and ways of seeing the world could also become ours.”
—Rabbi Daniel Gordis
As a mother who felt spiritually challenged and transformed by the birth of my son I have been waiting for this book for a long time! Few if any explore birth and parenting at all or with such spiritual depth. As a Christian I resonated and learned from Rabbi Grinblat's scriptural and theological insights. Whatever your spiritual or religious background, whether you adopted or birthed a child or not, you will find this book a blessing on your spiritual journey.
—Rev. Jennifer Butler, Executive Director, Faith in Public Life
“Rabbi Ilana Grinblat has created a spiritual framework for the mysteries, challenges, and wonders of parenthood. Whether you are pregnant, in the early stages of parenting, or nostalgically reflecting on a time gone by, Parenting and Spirituality offers much wisdom. By referring to ancient Jewish teachings, Rabbi Grinblat is able to find the miraculous and holy even in everyday experiences. The reader of this book will discover many life lessons, perspective to face each day in the awe-inspiring journey of parenthood, and a deep appreciation for all that we learn from our children. As Rabbi Grinblat reminds us, ‘Raising children is a sacred experience.’”
—Marcie Greenfield Simons, Director, PJ Library
"This is a book that expectant parents and those with small children can learn much from. But it is not only for them. Anyone who wants to know where and how to find holiness in the midst of this world, and how we can relate to the sacred that is found in places that most of us never notice, will benefit immensely from this book."
—Rabbi Jack Riemer
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